are you feeling stuck? uninspired? want to switch gears in your business?

I've definitely been there! Don't worry, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. When I first started my business I was so overwhelmed! I had a lot to learn! Whether you're just starting out and are wanting to learn more about camera settings and how to start booking clients or you've got the basics down and want to take your client experience to the next level, build your portfolio, and/or learn how to reach your ideal clients - a mentor session might be JUST what you need.

If you've been doing all the online learning, maybe you've been offering free sessions just to build your portfolio, but you're business just doesn't seem to be growing - there comes a time when you just need to sit down with someone and ask them aaallll of your questions! That's what the mentor session experience is for!

let's do this!

 3 hours | $650

For this session we'll get together in person for coffee or we can chat over Zoom! You'll receive a questionnaire once you book to give me an idea of your business goals and what you're hoping to learn about during our time together.

Some ideas that you could prepare questions for: social media, posing/prompting, shooting weddings/sessions, pricing, camera settings, client experience, branding, taxes/insurance, editing, etc.

1-on-1 Session

Then we head out into the field! Not literally...unless that's actually where you want to go! I'll have a couple meet up with us and you'll get the chance to photograph them with me by your side - guiding you, helping you with posing/prompting. I'll shoot a bit too so you can see how I work and interact with the clients.

After that we'll head back to a café or ice cream spot and we'll debrief the photo session we just did together. (This would be a perfect time to go over editing!) You can ask me any remaining questions you may have!!

Zoom Mini Session

For this mini session we'll chat over a 90 minute Zoom call!  This is a great option for those who aren't local to me. I will answer any and all of your questions. I can (kindly, of course!) critique your portfolio, website, social media platforms, etc. I'm here to help you get on the right track!

Some ideas that you could prepare questions for: social media, posing/prompting, shooting weddings/sessions, pricing, camera settings, client experience, branding, taxes/insurance, editing, etc.

 90 min | $300

if you're ready to invest in your business fill out the form below and i'll get back to you very soon!

Thanks for reaching out!! I can't wait to meet you!

check your email for my response within 48 hours. If you don't see it, double check your junkmail!